Trump “faux” Impeachment: How TRUMP wins either way

Impeachment Briefing & prediction … how TRUMP WINS either way!! FEAR NOT!

1 – Its not Impeachment yet & Impeachment does not remove a President.
2 – In spite of MSM fake news: today’s vote is NOT “articles of Impeachment.” Still requires non-inquiry Impeachment vote by House.
3 – House charade continues & results in a split party Impeachment articles vote.
4 – Senate will conduct Impeachment trial.
5 – NOW it gets fun!!
6 – TRIAL IN Senate – GOP sets rules of Trial
7 – EVERYTHING will be allowed in the Trial
8 – President Trumps Attorney’s issue subpoenas like candy. Brennan, Clapper, Holder, Lynch, Strzok, Page, Steele, Hillary, Comey, Rosenstein, Simpson, Ohr, Pelosi, Shiff, Brazille … all subpoenaed to testify “Under Oath”
9 – REMEMBER: AG Barr & Durham & the evidence collected on FISA, Russia & Ukraine and Weiners laptop.
10 – TRUTH will be revealed & “BOOMERANG”
11 – Trump is not convicted. Even so, Impeachment does not remove from office.
12 – Democrats vile antics are exposed during “PUBLIC” televised testimony.
13 – EVERY Socialist is now in the proverbial “CROSSHAIRS” !!
Each testimony incriminated another player!!
Lie under oath – Barr/Durham convict
Tell the truth – convict or plea deal.
13 – MANY opt for a “plea deal” which will involve short prison time. My guess is in GITMO…as it is a military prison. It is safe, out of general population & not exposed to Jeffrey Epstein incidents. For 3 years it has undergone serious upgrades.

2020 election is a landslide for Trump as the “Sore Loser” hate anything Trump MSM & Socialist Democrats die by their own sword.

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